9 Wheelchair Vans Available
The Mobility Resource serves the Burlington, VT and Albany, NY metropolitan areas, offering new and used handicap vehicles, lifts, scooters, rentals and more. Not only do we want to help connect Vermont residents with reliable dealers; we also want to help provide information regarding local events, as well as financial resource and assistance grants in your state.
Wheelchair Van Dealers by Metro Area
Wheelchair Accessible Destinations
Burlington Wheelchair Friendy Places to Visit
Spirit of Ethan Allen - Experience the largest cruise ship while eatinf dinner floating along Lake Champlain. Accessible accomodations upon request.
Norman Rockwell Museum of Vermont - A collection of Norman Rockwell's paintings from 1911-1978. This is a nationally recognized collection of Norman Rockwell's art that was established in 1976. The building is accessble for all.
Vermont Jazz Center - A beautiful place to visit and experience jazz music. "The Vermont Jazz Center is dedicated to creating and preserving jazz through the presentation of workshops, concerts, and instruction to a broad constituency of artists, students, and the general public."
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory Tour - Who doesn't love Ben & Jerry's? See what their brand is all about and how their delicious ice cream is made with a visit to the Ben & Jerry's Waterbury Factory.
State and Metro Organizations
VT Adaptive Ski & Sports - Youth and young adults with disabilities are encouraged to join in outdoor sports to help "gain a measure of self-confidence and independence by participating in adaptive sports programs and activities."
Disability and Grants Assistance
Regional Accessible Resources
Handicap Parking in Vermont: Learn more about how to apply for a handicap parking placard in the state of Vermont
Learn more about state grants for residents of Vermont